Mega Yadak

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    Mega Yadak

  • Project completion time

    69 Days

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Mega Yadak
Mega Yadak

Magaidek System is an online store that sells spare parts and accessories for vehicles and related services. Buyers on the one hand and wholesale and retail sellers on the other hand are the audience of this system.

Based on Article 79 of the Electronic Commerce Law approved in 1382 and Article 37 of the Comprehensive Program for the Development of Electronic Commerce approved by the Board of Ministers (1384), the comprehensive car portal of the country aims to connect the actors of the car industry, provide information about the latest technologies of the car industry and provide information on It was launched in 1385 regarding the trends and orientations of the global market. The services of this site were started in different areas such as car sales by car manufacturers, buying and selling of new and used cars, car information, car encyclopedias, and many other possibilities. Ima Electronic Development Consultants Company (Mega) as a partner of the Iran Industries Development and Modernization Organization and the trustee and franchise owner of this site, tries to provide numerous and extensive services to users and customers by using its modern technologies and developed knowledge. to provide the satisfaction of the users of this portal while achieving the objectives of the legislator.

services rendered : 

  • Social networks (Twitter - Instagram - LinkedIn)

 : Technologies

Programming language: Microsoft ASP.Net

Web server: IIS

User interface design:  JQuery / Swiper


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