If you own a website and work as a webmaster, you have seen the importance of site loading speed in the number of your visits. In general, everyone likes to get what they want faster. The content published on your website is no exception to this rule.
Increasing site speed can boost your business. It seems clear that this is true, but let's review some important facts about this to fully understand the importance of increasing site speed.
Let's start with the dark side of the story and where better than Google? The story began in 2015 with an hour-long technical glitch that delayed the loading speed of google.com by five seconds. The result was a 15% drop in site traffic for nearly six days. The next story is related to the Amazon site. The speed of the Amazon site decreased for two weeks, and the result was a significant decrease in the site's sales, and the important thing is that this decrease in the loading speed of the site was only one second.
Of course, there are good stories to tell. Walmart was able to attract two percent more customers by increasing the speed of its website by two seconds. Or Mozilla, which by increasing the speed of its site, was able to create nearly ten million more downloads for its browser.
All these show that site speed is a double-edged sword. A drop in this area can mean your failure, and increasing your site speed will bring you more views and thus more income.
But the main question here is what are the solutions to increase the speed of the website? Stay with us so I will first talk about the usual website loading time and then we will check the solutions to increase the speed of the site.


Is there a standard for site speed?

The answer to the question of what is the best site speed is clear, the lower the better. But if you are looking for a specific criterion, it should be said that the best possible situation is the loading of the site in one second. The loading of the site between one and three seconds is desirable and can cause more visits to your website. Loading a site in three to seven seconds is standard, but not a brilliant result, and if it takes more than seven seconds, you're slowly losing traffic.
Although Iran's internet speed has improved in recent years, it is still lower than the global average, and considering this, a delay of two to three seconds compared to the above figures is normal for Iranian websites.

Is there a standard for site speed?

Two important tips to improve site speed

If you haven't launched your website yet, let us tell you two important things first. Observing these two points will allow you to launch your website in a completely principled and calculated way, and be sure of its speed in the future to a large extent.
Of course, if you already have a website and you are looking for solutions to increase the speed of your site, stay with us and we will show you the solutions for this issue.


The right host and domain

The first option that you should pay attention to increase the speed of the site is choosing the right host and server. Choosing a provider company that has a good reputation can guarantee your continued path in the Internet business. Usually, most of those who enter this field, try to choose an economic option, but they don't consider slowing down their site.
Usually, using a shared server at the beginning of work is an option that attracts everyone's attention. The lower price of these types of servers makes them a good option, but when your traffic increases and your business expands, a shared server becomes a big hassle. So be sure to consult with experts in this field before choosing your host.


Content management system

The content management system is the most important thing to pay attention to. Choosing the wrong content system will affect everything. There are many content management systems in the market, some of them are paid and some are free, of course, these systems differ in terms of security, features, open source, etc. WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. can be mentioned among the most famous systems.
Depending on your website design goal, you should use a different content management system, and choosing the right one in this field, which will optimize the site's speed, requires cooperation with experts in this field.


Enable browser caching

The first solution to increase the website loading speed is to use this solution. Every time your site is opened for a user, the information and files of the site page are saved in the user's browser.
By activating this feature, the files of your site are only loaded for the first time and then saved, and there is no need to reload these files the next time the user visits. This will significantly increase the loading speed of your site. Although most browsers have this feature automatically, in some cases, sites do not allow the browser to do this. Make sure that this function of your website is active so that you can easily increase the speed of your site. Of course, this solution applies to users who visit your site more than once.


Gzip functionality

In general, reducing file size is one of the main methods to increase speed. We all use the compressed mode with the so-called zip in sending our information. The reason for this is the reduction of the size of the sent file and its faster-sending speed. This also applies to websites.
This feature can eliminate unused codes and space between codes, and by reducing the size, it makes your site more accessible. If you are looking to increase the speed of your site, don't forget Gzip because the rate of increasing the speed with this method is very high so it can make your site up to seventy percent faster.


Photo optimization

This solution generally focuses on reducing the volume of content and tries to increase the speed of the site in this way. Usually, 60% of the website page content is related to photos, and by optimizing them, you can significantly improve the performance of your site.
There are two general ways to do this. The first is to use plugins that are designed for this task and do this automatically. For example, in the case of the smush. It is a WordPress plugin.
The second method is to optimize photos manually with the help of software such as Photoshop. Of course, there are also web applications in this case.
The last point of this section is to use the appropriate format for photos. PNG, SVG, and JPG formats are suitable for websites.


Integration of CSS and JavaScript files

Integrating CSS and JavaScript files on your site is another way to increase site speed. Suppose you are going to write a few letters to your friend and explain things to him, you will certainly start your letters with a few lines of greetings and greetings. Now suppose that you are going to send all those contents in one letter to your friend, in this case, your greeting will occupy less space.
The integration of these files is similar to what we said. In fact, by collecting CSS and JavaScript codes, and merging them into one file, you will remove some of the duplicate and redundant files, and in this way, you will increase the speed of your site. Of course, if you cooperate with a professional website design team, you don't need to worry about such things yourself, and if you are looking for such a team, the professional Webnik team will be by your side.


Using CSS image sprites

Now that the discussion of integration to increase the speed of the site has been opened, it is not bad to mention this technique. Using this feature, you can put several photos in the form of a PNG file on your site. Instead of providing ten separate photos to the user's browser, your site will send them to the browser as one file, and naturally, this will increase the speed of your site.


Remove unnecessary parts

A point that can be seen in the design of many sites is the presence of unnecessary sections on the website. For example, consider a site that prepares and publishes daily prices of various metals from official sources. The existence of the comments section on such a website does not mean communicating with the audience, but rather reducing the loading speed of the site. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the site should be optimally designed according to your needs and if you are looking for a dedicated and professional site design, we are with you.


Keep alive method

You must have seen the term HTTP in many of your searches. The browser sends a short request to the site's server to access the site's content. This is a short HTTP request to access the contents of the site.
The browser must send this request to the server to access any new file on your site unless you use the keep-alive method. Simply put, with this method, you give the browser a full proxy to access the sections you specify and not send a separate request for each section. Naturally, this will improve the server performance and thus increase the speed of the site.


Take the site format seriously

Choosing a suitable template for the site can have a direct impact on how the site is loaded. Templates are usually customizable and you can optimize your website template according to your needs or conditions. But if the format is too old, skip it and use another format, because the effect of this issue on increasing the speed of your site is very impressive.
Of course, choosing the right template for the site requires expertise and experience, and if you are looking for experience and expertise, we are by your side and just a click away.


Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Content delivery network or CDN can be explained with a simple example. Consider the branches of a bank; You may have deposited your money in branch A in city A, but you can withdraw it from branch B in city B. The reason for this issue is the flow of money among the branches of this bank.
The same is true for content or information. The content of your site is stored in a server and sent to your users through it. If the distance between the server and the user is large, it will take a little longer to send information. But if your server is connected to the rest of the servers and there is a flow of information between them, the user can connect to the closest possible server. This will increase the speed of the site significantly.


Video server

If you plan to publish a video on your site, the speed of your site will decrease. The best suggestion in such cases is to use video servers such as Aparat or YouTube. By doing this, you can significantly increase the speed of your site.


Database optimization

To increase the speed of the site, don't forget to constantly optimize the database. Always a part of new data such as add-on data, statistics, or comments and... are stored in the database. If the database optimization is not done once every two months at most, the speed of your site will decrease drastically, and the reason for this is the occupation of space and bandwidth of the site with data, many of which may not be of much use. So consider database optimization as a necessary task to increase site speed.


The mobile version of the site

Nowadays, many people connect to the Internet through their mobile phones. You probably guess that a high percentage of people who connect to the Internet and visit a website with a mobile phone are looking for quick information, and in other words, they will not pay much attention to the graphic design of your site.
Of course, this does not mean that the graphic and visual design of the site is not important in mobile mode, but the focus should be on the simplicity of the website. The simplicity of the website increases the speed of the website loading.
Of course, this point is not considered a basic solution to increase the speed of the site, but considering that according to the statistics, 60% of people use their mobile phones to connect to the Internet, you can get a large percentage of visitors by designing the mobile version of your site. Keep yourself satisfied. The proper design should be done by a specialized team and according to your needs. For this, we are with you, to have an interesting experience together.