Knowledge-based Company Kimiazyme was established in 2013 with the aim of producing biotechnology products in the food industry as well as the livestock, poultry, and aquatic industry, with the support of twelve years of activity and research in the field of fermentation products and industrial enzymes, and started its activity with the focus on yeast products. Is. Considering the importance and role of producing healthy products in people's health, Kimazim company has started serious efforts to strengthen the immune system of animals by extracting and studying the components of the yeast cell wall in order to reduce the consumption of antibiotics. Although the campaign of Danesh Banyan Kimiazem officially started in 2013, it has insight beyond a decade in academic and industrial research. The claim of this insight is not only due to the presence of experts in this company but also the effective and constant support of industry and university experts to help achieve the aforementioned goals as its pillars and pillars.
services rendered :
Holding site design
Programming language: PHP / Laravel Framework
Web server: Litespeed
User interface design: JQuery / Bootstrap